Area 51 Still Worth Visiting? & Some 90s Nostalgia

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Message posted by Ellie (Member since 05/28/2024) on May 28, 2024 at 18:01:46 PST:

Firstly, I just want to say hi to everyone! I stumbled across this site a few hours ago and I've been browsing ever since. This website is a dreamy 90s nostalgia time capsule and I'm so in love with everything. I wanted to make a post inquiring about visiting Area 51. For some background, I'm 24 and I have been frequenting the Rachel NV website since 2013-- planning a trip since I was 15 or 16(?) It's been a dream of mine to come watch the skies and explore the area around Rachel. I'm not really sure why it's just a thing I've always wanted to do and the idea never left me & I guess it's snowballed into this big thing because I get a feeling in my chest when I think about how I still haven't been (I'm for Ohio for context).
Anyways, I guess I was wondering if it's really worth the trip out there? I was so excited to see the Black Mailbox and read everything on it and I've heard that's gone... and now ever since the Alienfest nightmare I'm anxious about being just another tourist. I think before the Alienfest fiasco, the Rachel/Warm Springs/Area 51 adventure (and perhaps even living there one day!!) felt so niche and like it was mine (silly I know, people have lived and loved there since before I was even born), but I guess the lack of interest and popularity with the general public made it feel special.. and now I'm worried it can't be anymore.. that I waited too long? That the people who actually live there wouldn't want someone like me to visit? Or if I can even get a room at the motel in Rachel (I feel like they've got to be booked up all the time now?) {side note, I have always wanted to travel the world, but I feel like travel is so mainstream now and there's just SO many people that there's no way it will ever be truly that enjoyable, I don't even like busy attractions in Ohio :/. Maybe I'm being a pessimist though}.

Anyways, sorry for monologuing about this, I guess I'm feeling conflicted and like it's too late to really enjoy the experience I've been romanticizing for years in my head. Someone please tell me it's worth the trip out and even though things have changed, the trip will still be an adventure chock full of dreamy alien 90s nostalgia !!?

Thanks for reading <3

Ellie, 24, Ohio


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