Congressional UAP Briefing

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Message posted by Casper (Member since 01/24/2011) on July 27, 2023 at 12:59:34 PST:

I've been a member of this forum for close to two decades (ignore the "member since" date from when I changed email accounts), I know that the folks on this site -- and especially those of us who are active on this forum -- are not the tinfoil hat crowd, we don't suffer fools, and we don't talk about Lazar or little green men.

With that being said, and Joerg, if it's OK with you, I would love to have one thread where we discuss yesterday's Congressional briefing on UAP.

They heard from Cmdr Fravor, who chased the tic-tacs in his F-18, and from Lt Graves, who is whistleblowing the fact that military and commercial pilots feel unsafe with the amount of UAP they are experiencing and have no legitimate method to report or track. We've probably all seen those videos and read the declassified debriefs/interviews. We've even seen TD Barnes chime in on the tic-tac technology.

But we haven't discussed anything on David Grusch. Is he a Lazar-esque crackpot? Or is there something to what he is saying? (His credentials and backstory are certainly better documented.) There are plenty of sites that will drink all the Koolaide he offers, but I'd love to hear what this group thinks of his claims.

Joerg, do you think that would be appropriate for this site? Or should we save wild speculation for Reddit or ATS?


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