Re: Congressional UAP Briefing

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Message posted by z_z_zzyzx (Member since 11/16/2021) on July 28, 2023 at 10:15:11 PST:

I posted about this a few days ago. First, though, let me say that I'm extremely skeptical of these UAPs being anything other than advanced earthly technology - likely ours.

But there's a few things that strike me about this. First is that David Grusch is speaking under oath. My take on it is that someone is feeding him bogus information, but you would think he should be smart enough to know better. Something's got him fired up enough to come forward and speak to congress under oath. Is it just insanity or gullibility? I think it's more than just that.

The pilots have some convincing stories. I tend to believe them. As a hobby, I spend a lot of time listening to both military and civilian aircraft talking to ATC. I have heard multiple airliners make a UFO report over Southern California, and have heard a military pilot and someone on the ground having a discussion that ended with "Jesus, I don't know how they can go that fast". That last one occurred in 1984. I've seen a couple of things that I simply don't know what it was. Private pilot for what it's worth, I know what airplanes can look like at night.

These guys are seeing and detecting something. I'm convinced it's us, playing with some new toys. The fruits of SDI, maybe? What I'd like to see trickle out of this thread is rational speculations from the experts who post here as to what that something might be. However it turns out, the whole thing is absolutely fascinating. That we have sworn testimony saying that we possess alien technology is extraordinary, even if it's highly unlikely to be true. Something is sure motivating people to stick their necks out to say so.

In Reply to: Congressional UAP Briefing posted by Casper on July 27, 2023 at 12:59:34 PST:


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