Re: Two small dishes added to the Rachel phone building

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Message posted by z.z.zzyzx (Member since 11/16/2021) on April 07, 2024 at 18:03:35 PST:

It's possible to piece together a network map by pulling FCC records. I actually did that once and found that there IS precedence in running microwave networks within the ranges back to the outside world. Nothing related to 'the box', directly, but GTE (now Verizon) had/has a network that ran to a bunch of sites within the NTTS. I have it saved as a kmz file. A lot of the sites from those old records still have towers and dishes on them.

A couple of things can surmised by what you do know. Unless your local telephone central office building is on a major fiber route, it's most likely that the traffic passed on those dishes is strictly local. The old Verizon system routed to a site that feeds into Las Vegas, so that likely carried a large amount of traffic. Look for similar dishes at other county facilities. Frequently, whole systems get installed at the same time.

An FCC search can uncover some very interesting things out there, but I never found anything cooler than the old GTE/Verizon routes.

End to end encryption would make security issues moot, and if it's really critical, there would be more than one route in and out. But I suspect nothing remarkable is being carried there.

FWIW, old point to point microwave guy here. I did this stuff for a living.

In Reply to: Two small dishes added to the Rachel phone building posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on April 05, 2024 at 17:13:31 PST:


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