Message posted by z.z.zzyzx (Member since 11/16/2021) on September 25, 2024 at 12:15:50 PST:
If you get a chance, look at the spectrum. You have to zero in pretty close, like +/- 100 KHz from the center. If it's a stereo broadcast, you'd see a signal about 19 KHz either side of center. That's the stereo pilot tone. At 38 KHz either side of center, that would be the stereo left minus right audio. If there's any signal at 50-80 or 90 KHz, that's the SCA channel, and it would take special equipment to demodulate it. And there could be more than one SCA channel. But it's easy to just look and see if a station is or isn't stereo, with or whthout subcarriers.
In Reply to: Re: New radio tower at the Area 51 Back Gate complete! posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on September 25, 2024 at 11:45:25 PST: