Message posted by NotTelling (Member since 07/02/2023) on February 07, 2025 at 23:07:45 PST:
A lot to unpack here: "It doesn’t make much sense to operate them from Tonopah as it’s a really expensive classified location." -- More expensive than Groom? Not a chance... "The F117 is on display (!) in various museums so there’s not much about it that has to be kept secret." -- Everything classified about the F-117 was removed before they went to said museums. If they are (as has been speculated) being used as test beds, there's a lot to be kept secret. "If the above is true it would make sense that they are covering for a manned program, but most of the reconstruction work at Tonopah in the past years seems to be UAV-related." -- Based on what evidence?
In Reply to: Re: No Janets to TTR posted by Q-nimbus on February 07, 2025 at 2:50:46 PST: