Message posted by Q-nimbus (Member since 08/20/2020) on February 07, 2025 at 2:50:46 PST:
I wouldn’t be surprised if the F117’s are covering for another classified program, much like the A7 did for the F117’s in the eighties. It doesn’t make much sense to operate them from Tonopah as it’s a really expensive classified location. The F117 is on display (!) in various museums so there’s not much about it that has to be kept secret. If the above is true it would make sense that they are covering for a manned program, but most of the reconstruction work at Tonopah in the past years seems to be UAV-related. That does not mean there could not be a manned program, but unmanned seems to be the the way things are going nowadays. If I had to bet it’s because the RQ-170 has a new sibling, and if the F-117 is covering for it, it might be because it’s a optionally weaponized stealth system.
In Reply to: Re: No Janets to TTR posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on February 04, 2025 at 21:05:40 PST: