What replaces the Red Hats?

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Message posted by Matt (Member since 03/10/2024) on May 09, 2024 at 20:50:41 PST:

Hi, everyone. Inaugural post here on DLR. Long-time lurker, researcher, and nerd on this stuff, though.

The Red Hats were supposedly deactivated in 2022 due to the fallout from Lt. Col. Schultz’s Flanker crash. They were the lead unit managing AFMC’s storied FME efforts at Groom Lake. Meanwhile, Det. 3, 53rd TEG, the “Red Eagles,” continue to represent ACC’s interests in that file, as does VX-9 Det. Nellis for the Navy. The Army’s Threat Systems Management Office stashes some Scuds, SAMs, and maybe still a couple Red Air helos at Tonopah—perhaps?

But what, if anything, is replacing the Red Hats? I can’t imagine AFMC wouldn’t want their own slice of the FME pie at their crown jewel test facility what with all those Russian and definitely no Chinese or even a few new Iranian drones and aircraft hanging around the North Ramp. Though tragic, why would their CO’s death cause the Air Force to collapse the squadron? Is NASIC taking over here? I’m not alleging anything untoward, I only ask because I don’t understand the decision.”

One more curiosity: Anything out there on any SOCOM/AFSOC/JSOC or MDA outfits doing any T&E there or anywhere on the NTTR/NNSS?

Great community on this site. Glad to be here.


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