Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on May 10, 2024 at 11:05:47 PST:
Welcome to the DLR discussion board! While foreign technology ops at Groom officially ended after the accident I have no doubt that in some form they continue to present day. I hear mock dog fights of SABREs (Groom call sign) all the time on the scanner, usually in the 60's ranges. While some missions are likely proficiency flights of the three Groom F-16D, certain "tells" give away the missions that are not. Also, as someone pointed out, there is all sort of foreign technology at TTR, which has become "darker" in recent years. After many years of decline and empty store fronts the town of Tonopah is thriving again. TTR is the primary employer for folks in Tonopah, so an upswing in the economy directly translates to activity at TTR.
In Reply to: What replaces the Red Hats? posted by Matt on May 09, 2024 at 20:50:41 PST: