P-175 Polecat vs P-ISR

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Message posted by freema22 (Member since 02/12/2022) on January 02, 2024 at 12:29:21 PST:

So, we've talked about the attached image before, but having just finished Peter's book, I want to raise the question again, that these are in-fact either additional P-175 airframes or P-ISR airframes in storage. Since the supposed only P-175 airframe crashed in 2006, why have additional airframes in storage 10 years later, especially if the program was a success and they didn't need to make another one, as indicated in the book.

The lower one clearly has inlets, so I don't think it's a tooling jig. I do believe that the outer wing panels are missing.

They don't appear together in any images after this one.

34°37'07.05" N 118°06'37.05" W
October 2016 Google Earth image

Attached link: Mystery UAS shapes


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