Spurred on by NoTelling's admonishment - I went digging: B-21 is TINY

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Message posted by Smythers (Member since 04/27/2023) on August 02, 2023 at 15:29:59 PST:

I took a dumpster dive through all of the DoD and journalistic images of the B-21. Laid them all out, hit up a few photographers, and we set out to really see if we could crack it.

A lot of flak was taken, but the facts are facts. The B-21 is only slightly larger than a twin-engine fighter. Longer wings, absolutely. But see for yourselves.

The inner red triangle is the footprint of the nose/mains.

Point (i) is present on both images, and the podium speaker is represented by the circle.

The B-21, frankly, is no bigger than a twin-engine fighter. To test that, I took the SU-27 footprint and had at it.

The B-21 is tiny.

Attached link: https://ibb.co/WvLg1xH


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