Re: Spurred on by NoTelling's admonishment - I went digging: B-21 is TINY

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Message posted by NotTelling (Member since 07/02/2023) on August 02, 2023 at 21:56:21 PST:

To be clear, I did not admonish you about the picture comparison. I simply asked if they were taken at the same distance. Think about it. Take a picture of a Cessna such that the wingspan is contained (barely) within the image. Take that same camera/lens and do the same with the C-5. Then compare images. They appear to have the same wingspan, but clearly they do not. Range matters...

Back in the mid 80's the DOD had some software that would convert pictures into blueprints. We had a bunch of captured soviet armor for which we wanted that done. We took pictures from both sides, front and back, and from directly overhead using a cherry picker. Each picture required the camera and lens model and the exact distance from the end of the lens to the closest. Never saw the results but I was told we did well...

In Reply to: Spurred on by NoTelling's admonishment - I went digging: B-21 is TINY posted by Smythers on August 02, 2023 at 15:29:59 PST:


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