Re: New GE image of Area 51

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Message posted by Q-nimbus (Member since 08/20/2020) on May 14, 2023 at 15:15:36 PST:

These new GE images are gold.

The most interesting of course is what’s happening with the new construction around the northwestern part of the base. I have some ideas, and I’ve asked a few construction experts about their opinion. Once they get back to me I’ll share their opinion of course

A few general observations though:

There are three Janet's sitting on the ramp and the parking lot next to it is empty so it looks it’s a regular working day and most base workers are out there at work.

What stands out to me is that in general the base seem to be without any action; whereas the office buildings are surrounded by cars, most hangars are empty. It looks like there’s not much going on. The places that do seem inhabited are office buildings.

There seems to be activity at hangers 4-5-6-7, and that's to be expected; I'm sure some VERY interesting stuff from has found it's way from Ukraine to the USA.

Apart from that, the only hangar where something interesting might be happening is hangar 17, and somewhat at hangar 13-16. Even then, based on the amount of cars (and thus the amount of people) they can’t be big projects.
All the other places are more or less deserted. I especially expected hangars 20-23 to be a hive of drone/UCAV/swarm activity, but it looks deserted.

Based on the latest imagery it seems Area 51 is a pretty quiet place these days. Tonopah, on the other hand, seems to be a hive of activity so it might very well be that a lot of programs passed the experimental phase and moved to Tonopah.
Disappointing, maybe. On the other hand it means we should see some interesting stuff coming out in the open soon.

But, as I said, there’s something interesting happening in the northwestern part of the base. I have a few observations of my own, but I need to confirm it with construction experts. Once they get back to me I’ll post it here.

In Reply to: Re: New GE image of Area 51 posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on May 07, 2023 at 12:51:38 PST:


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