Re: Recall when I told you that there were heavy exquisite UCAV in the shadows?

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Message posted by FromAcrossTheOcean (Member since 04/21/2021) on March 20, 2022 at 15:59:50 PST:

"Rather than a small, reusable, autonomous aircraft that is cheap enough to sacrifice on any given mission ..." ... we will construct another fancy but expensive airframe that will overrun its budget and not be available in proper numbers in time?

Sorry, but this was what first came to my mind when reading this. Isn't the current geopolitical situation showing that even against what was only a couple of weeks ago thought to be a nearly on par adversary a few tons of MANPADS and anti-tank rockets that you can get shipload-wise at the price of a single advanced fighter jet is doing most of the job - plus an inspiring leadership that knows how to build world-wide public support?

In just a few weeks Russia will likely be crippled in a way that it cannot wage another major war for a couple of decades - do you think China's doctrine and capabilities are seriously much better (or at who else would such system be aimed at otherwise)?

I mean, Chinese truck tires did not even last the 50 or so kilometers from the Russian border to near Kyiv.

Don't get me wrong - I'm super-excited by all this new technology, but is it a good cost-effect balance?

In Reply to: Recall when I told you that there were heavy exquisite UCAV in the shadows? posted by Smythers on March 20, 2022 at 14:34:32 PST:


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