Re: Recall when I told you that there were heavy exquisite UCAV in the shadows?

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Message posted by FromAcrossTheOcean (Member since 04/21/2021) on March 21, 2022 at 9:19:06 PST:

Thank you very much for the insight. Many people here seem to be very focused on the technical aspects of systems - but as you mentioned there is a another big sphere behind (or around) it, which personally I find as interesting as the technical things.

So would you say that the Chinese doctrine and actual(!) capabilities are definitely on a different (higher) level than the Russian one? Who - up to very recently - most people would have put as possibly the 3rd most powerful military in the world. How much better are the Chinese relative to the Russians - one or two order of magnitude. Or other way round - Chinese on - or at least almost - on par with US?

In Reply to: Re: Recall when I told you that there were heavy exquisite UCAV in the shadows? posted by Smythers on March 21, 2022 at 7:26:12 PST:


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