Meet the Dreamland Resort Team

The following people, listed in alphabetical order, are involved in the Dreamland Resort Web Site. Without their contributions this web site could not have evolved into the leading Area 51 research and information site. Click on the photos or names to see an intro of each person.

Active Team

Joerg Arnu

Senior Area 51 Researcher; Dreamland Resort Founder and Webmaster

Discussion Forum Moderator
Peter W. Merlin

Historian and Aerospace Archeologist
Michał Rokita

Field Investigator and Photographer

And many others who have contributed photos, information, advice etc to Dreamland Resort over the years and those who support us with their donations

About the Dreamland Resort web site

Original Team Members

Chuck Clark

Senior Area 51 Researcher and Photographer; Content contributor and adviser
Norio Hayakawa

Senior Area 51 Researcher; Sponsor, Mentor and content producer of this web site
Connie Pardew

Freelance Aviation Journalist, Tikaboo Expedition and other stories
Bill Whiffen

Artist and Aviation Photographer

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