Re: Close-up of two jets departing Area 51 for a secret mission

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Message posted by n01_b4_flash (Member since 01/29/2012) on September 18, 2024 at 0:09:02 PST:

I wish I could confirm that but, then, it would be a lie on my part.
Our F-35 'standing still' encounter took place (speaking from memory now as I can't check exact time at the moment) around 7:30AM and fighters videos were recorded around 10:30AM, same day. I'm unable to confirm or deny that they are the same jets as I have no enough data to claim such. Sure, I would like it to be F-16+F-35 that I recorded taking off and landing at Groom that day but I have no enough information to judge (yet) :) - I hope I will be able to enchance images more to outline shapes or at least some parts of them - I will definitely post results here for you all to see:)

In Reply to: Re: Close-up of two jets departing Area 51 for a secret mission posted by noskcaJ on September 17, 2024 at 19:05:18 PST:


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