Re: Cuban Military tunnels and possible connection to possible tunels under NTR

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Message posted by blade75769 (Member since 03/31/2006) on July 07, 2024 at 20:33:31 PST:

This comes up all the time due to the fact that there were various tunnels dug for different tests around the test site through the years. As far as Area 51 though there has never been any verifiable information or any credible stories of major underground activity. There have been credible stories of one of the hangars having a sub level that with some past projects on display, but that is about all. The main issue would be where did all the dirt go. Going back through old satelite photos there just isn't any evidence of major earth works pointing to major underground areas

In Reply to: Cuban Military tunnels and possible connection to possible tunels under NTR posted by Zandrus on July 07, 2024 at 13:14:44 PST:


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