Re: Flying over Rachel

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Message posted by Salty (Member since 08/10/2018) on June 19, 2024 at 16:28:45 PST:

Thanks Jörg for the info (sorry, had to do the umlaut just once :-) ).

Don, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but a 40 MHz doppler at 440 MHz would imply an object speed of 1/10th the speed of light. I would have to take a wild-assed guess and say given the broadbandedness (that's a new word) of it, it's some sort of ECM.

Not sure I can add much, but if it's something new and sparkly, why test it near Rachel and not further away on the ranges? OTOH, being something new that Joerg has never heard is the other side of the coin. Best guess I can muster (and probably least, errr, probable) is maybe it's RF mapping of some sort where the ranges don't provide a real environment such as an actual town.

Being one of those people, data I'd love to see are:

1) Time domain recording.

2) Frequency spectrum plots.

3) If they had ADSB going: strength of interference vs. locale/orientation of the aircraft.

Yeah, I know that's asking a lot for a hobby, but I can't help myself!

On an off-note tying into another thread, I noticed on the JT4 website they're looking for an HF propagation engineer apparently for prediction analysis (note HF is far below the bands Joerg mentions - 30 MHz and below). As a EE *and* a ham, my eyes watered, though I'm not particularly well versed in the ionosphere, and also busy trying to suck every bonus/raise/stock grants from my company for retirement soon. The position did make me wonder why the need, however. I would thing Sat comms. likely killed most if not all HF comms, but maybe a resurgence of a pretty old implementation of over the horizon radar is again on someone's... ummmm, radar...

In Reply to: Re: Flying over Rachel posted by don on June 11, 2024 at 13:02:16 PST:


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