Re: Inside Skunkworks

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Message posted by noskcaJ (Member since 09/21/2022) on May 31, 2024 at 14:46:22 PST:

I know the darkstar is at the same facility for one of the google earth images. Video was uploaded in December but also who knows how far before it was filmed. I don't know why they bothered at all to blur the darkstar... no secrets there.

I also dont think Top Gun was a "soft launch" for a new hypersonic plane, but could be a "soft launch" for showcasing capabilities. But, darkstar does seem a little over engineered for it to just be a movie prop. For example there was a shot of it at Edwards with fuel lines hooked up when there WAS NO SCENE in the movie where it was being fuelled. Engine covers also seem a bit much since there was also no scene with them on and behind them is... a sheet of metal since theres no engines.

To build on that: remember how the A-12 was called that because it was the 12th design, also remember how Lockheed didnt build it but helped with the design of the darkstar, darkstar could be A design iteration of the real thing (if there is one). Just throwing that out there.

In Reply to: Re: Inside Skunkworks posted by GaBRiel on May 31, 2024 at 12:19:18 PST:


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