Re: U-2 retirement

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Message posted by Smythers (Member since 04/27/2023) on August 11, 2023 at 15:22:08 PST:

SA-2 maxes out at 85K.

HQ-9 100K+ and out to 150 miles+.

P-ISR has been active over three conflict zones and disputed SCS on a regular basis. The Chinese hate it because there is not a damned thing they can do.

"Also, can the P-ISR really loiter REPEAT loiter over a modern IADS without detection?"

If an entire test team of F-22, F-15, THAAD/PAC-3, Airborne LIDAR assets and 'regular Joe' CAP cannot find her even when they know roughly her approach route? I'd wager that she is perfectly safe sat up in her cold, frigid, frosty white aerie.

In Reply to: Re: U-2 retirement posted by Pinyon72 on August 11, 2023 at 11:46:55 PST:


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