Re: U-2 retirement

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Message posted by Pinyon72 (Member since 02/09/2013) on August 11, 2023 at 11:46:55 PST:

Cannot disagree with the basic premise. For sure, the threat rings have expanded...S-400 etc. The U-2s EW system has been improved but difficult to assess outside of classified channels. Back in the day, given enough warning, a U-2 pilot could out-turn an approaching SA-2.

But what is often not realised about the P-ISR is that it isn't roaming over suspect counties at will, daily, in peacetime. History shows that the US govt has been reluctant to sanction what are unequivocally illegal flights over, for instance, Russia and China. And if the overflown country has given permission, or is known to not have a viable counter, then the U-2 is perfectly adequate. Think Afghanistan, Iraq or Somalia.

Also, can the P-ISR really loiter REPEAT loiter over a modern IADS without detection?

In Reply to: Re: U-2 retirement posted by Smythers on August 10, 2023 at 12:15:56 PST:


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