Message posted by Peter Merlin (Member since 11/13/2003) on April 14, 2023 at 17:55:57 PST:
Although I appreciate your enthusiasm, the answers to all of those questions may be found elsewhere on this web site if you search patiently. Yes, the YF-118G Bird of Prey made its first flight at Groom Lake. No, we do not yet have any pictures of the YF-24 aircraft, which did apparently fly at Groom Lake. The YF-113G aircraft flew at Groom Lake but it is still a mystery. It was described as having been taken "from design to first flight," which suggests a new type of airplane rather than an existing production aircraft such as a MiG-23 or some other model. Then again, we don't really know. In 2005, we were led to believe that there had been at least seven classified manned aircraft that had flown into Groom Lake since 1985 that had not yet been released to the public. Although this happened to be true, we believed it to be so for all the wrong reasons. A reliable and official source had stated that one pilot had flown seven classified airplanes during his career. It was actually one classified airplane being flown over seven nonconsecutive months. That said, we now have circumstantial evidence of a great many classified programs (both manned and unmanned) that have flown since 1983 and have not yet been announced to the public.
In Reply to: Questions about black projects posted by Altner on April 14, 2023 at 4:38:44 PST: