Message posted by Peter Merlin (Member since 11/13/2003) on April 15, 2023 at 9:38:47 PST:
The YF prefix is supposed to designate a prototype fighter. Obviously, it has been misused on various occasions for technology demonstrators, attack aircraft, etc. In relation to black projects, you can never assume that a YF prefix necessarily indicates an actual prototype aircraft or a technology demonstrator. For many years, the Red Hats and Red Eagles referred to their airplanes as "classified prototypes" even though these were really production airframes. These airplanes were given designations such as YF-110B (MiG-21), YF-113A (MiG-17F), and YF-113E (MiG-23MS). If someone asked them what a YF-110B was, they could just say, "Oh, that's a classified prototype."
In Reply to: Re: Questions about black projects posted by Altner on April 15, 2023 at 2:01:09 PST: