Re: OT: Fusion Reaction

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Message posted by Griffon_314 (Member since 01/10/2006) on December 16, 2022 at 7:12:45 PST:

Yes, this was accomplished at the NIF.

No, it is not irrelevant to our energy future at all. In fact, this is a big milestone in the development of fusion energy as a viable form of energy generation.

That doesn't mean fusion energy production is right around the corner. The way science most often works, is a series of seemingly small milestones that establish a viable process, followed by efforts to scale that process.

The fact that the energy produced in this experiment was small, is what's irrelevant. If you understand how Inertia Fusion works, you know it has tremendous scaling potential.

Lots of science yet to be done, but "irrelevant"? Nope.

In Reply to: Re: OT: Fusion Reaction posted by FromAcrossTheOcean on December 16, 2022 at 5:56:45 PST:


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