Re: The bigger story (bigger than the raid!)

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Message posted by David Todd (Member since 11/18/2022) on November 18, 2022 at 16:16:48 PST:

Sadly the governemnt facists think they can do this and its legal. Just because they say its legal, it isnt. they have lied to us, they have been spying on us and harassing us. Only in china and other communist countries does this happen. Our government has become facist. attorney general and FBI are corrupt actors in this play. They are corrupt clear up to the top. its sickening.Need to make a list of the agents that served the warrents,the head FBI agent, and the Judge who signed the ok on this, and we all need to publish them all on the web. area 51 is not so secret. they probably had some foreign troops flying in ,someone caught them on video and they are peed off. WENEED TO ABOLISH THE FBI,CIA,AND ALL SECRET CRONIES THAT UNDERMINE OUR FREEDOMS. THE AGENTS WHO ROUGHED YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND UP ARE YELLOWBELLY COWARDS. COWARDS.THEY ARE PROBABLY RECEIVING MONEY FROM CHIAN OR SOME OTHER COUNTRY. THIS IS MY OWN OPINION. AND NO ONE ELSES. WHEN THEY PARADED YOUR GIRLFRIEND OUT IN PUBLIC IN HER UNDERWEAR, IT PROVES THESE AGENST ARE NAZIS. JUST INTIMIDATION FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS.

In Reply to: The bigger story (bigger than the raid!) posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on November 17, 2022 at 18:06:15 PST:


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