Re: True story from a recent Area 51 employee?

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Message posted by AsleepModeOn (Member since 08/08/2019) on November 02, 2022 at 8:38:34 PST:

Not to get off track but I have a funny story to share regarding what you said about clearances. I hold the same belief as you, where you do not volunteer information. I was looking at some jobs based on my clearance level and had a recruiter reach out to me. He asked what programs I work on and I said I could not divulge the names of anything due to the nature of those programs. He THEN proceeded to ask if he could have the names of the Program Managers. I flat out told him no. He said he needed to verify that there is a non-compete clause or something. SO I asked for the names of the programs and then he would not tell me. He then asked what clearance I held and I said, "I thought you had my resume? It is listed on there and you stated you called me after looking at my resume."

He became super condescending and asked if I even held a clearance and what I actually did at my job, if anything. I promptly ended the call and submitted his name, phone number and company to DCSC for phishing.

In Reply to: Re: True story from a recent Area 51 employee? posted by Duke on November 02, 2022 at 8:19:29 PST:


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