Re: YF-24 myth, the supposed classified aircraft that never was

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Message posted by Vahe Demirjian (Member since 04/28/2022) on September 20, 2022 at 13:28:58 PST:

You can update the pages "Non-Standard DOD Aircraft Designations" and "Cover Designations for Classified USAF Aircraft" at the website to reflect that Joseph Lanni omitted YF-24 for all subsequent editions of his resume, and since you noted that the Tacit Blue and Bird of Prey were given cover designations in the F-1xx series despite being tech demonstrators, it is almost certain that the YF-24 was either a manned Mach 4 tech demonstrator (the same kind of aircraft involved in the September 1994 Boscombe Down incident) or a Cuban MiG that defected to Florida in the early 1990s, since Lanni's biography mentions that he flew "classified prototypes".

Note that the LGM-35 designation for the Sentinel ICBM (listed as LGM-182 in the latest edition of the DoD aerospace vehicle designation document) re-uses the design number 35 in the M-for-Missile series, because the Northrop Q-4 supersonic drone was redesignated AQM-35.

In Reply to: Re: YF-24 myth, the supposed classified aircraft that never was posted by Andreas on September 04, 2022 at 11:46:12 PST:


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