Re: Pads near Cockeyed Ridge South East of Groom

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Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on July 19, 2022 at 10:58:20 PST:

Nice work, thank you for sharing your research. Great find on the trailer in Gabe's TPECR photos. I see that it is indeed a trailer and not as I had thought a water tank. Looking at the structure just SE of it in the Groom saddle I also see that the shadow is too long for a propane tank. It is likely the junction box that connects the unit (likely command and control as you said) to the radar site pads.

You are making a good case for those mast mounted systems. Minor correction on the timing: The site was not developed until after 6/2002 as seen in historic GE images. But it may very well still be connected to research into how the F-117's stealth was defeated and how to avoid a repeat. May have taken a while to get our hands on one of those systems.

In Reply to: Re: Pads near Cockeyed Ridge South East of Groom posted by Skeet on July 19, 2022 at 6:37:44 PST:


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