Message posted by Skeet (Member since 06/29/2022) on August 20, 2022 at 9:47:12 PST:
Good question on the patching. That depends on how the vulnerabilities and exploits work. If Suter simply exploits an unencrypted radio link, they could patch it by using either a simple hard-wired cable and/or encrypted frequency-hopping radio links. However, if Suter is more advanced so it spoofs the signals, or returns, received by the radar, then that would be much harder to patch. It's rumored that the export S-300 variants had back-orders installed in case Russia ever needed to disable them. Back-doors in any system is a double-edged sword - an adversary could find and exploit it as well. Perhaps this is part of how Suter works? It makes sense that the SA-10 is commonly used at Red Flag: “The S-300 is regarded as one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently fielded.” Check out the list of users. The US is even listed as an “evaluation-only operator”:
In Reply to: Re: Pads near Cockeyed Ridge South East of Groom posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on August 19, 2022 at 21:13:43 PST: