Re: Pads near Cockeyed Ridge South East of Groom

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Message posted by casper_n (Member since 01/24/2011) on June 29, 2022 at 15:31:38 PST:

Sorry, but you've inspired a bit of a tangent that may be of interest to my fellow nerds here.

A friend of mine whose resume includes vague references to his time working with EGGs mentioned something similar about mundane offices.

I'm a Silicon Valley native, but we worked together in Vegas. He was telling me one day that he felt the tech scene in Las Vegas didn't get enough credit.

I laughed and naively said, "Beyond Zappos, there is no tech scene in Vegas."

He defended his position and pointed out that the casinos all have top notch tech and cyber security guys, but they were mostly quiet professionals who didn't seek the limelight. "There's a reason they host DEF CON here."

He pointed out the Switch SuperNAP, which if you're into computing at all is worth reading up on. Basically, the government built a huge fiber network that all terminated not too far from Las Vegas, but didn't ever finish the project (typical bureaucracy). Rob Roy picked it up for pennies on the dollar, put a few million into finishing it and then leased bandwidth back to the government and more than made his money back in the first year. If you file your taxes with TurboTax, the data never leaves that data center, because the IRS is hosted in the next bay over and has a hard-wired connection inside Switch's walls. I went on a site tour when our company put our servers in there and was escorted by two armed guards at all times. And some of the cages had additional guards stationed at their entrances. Rumor has it those ones handle supercomputing and data management for our friends over the hill (Creech, Groom, TTR? All over the hill.)

Now, back to your point. He also encouraged me to drive around our industrial neighborhood and notice how many of the large buildings had no signs. "Why would a business not want you to know who they were?" On the way back from lunch, I did a quick count. There were 5 nondescript gray buildings with no logos in our immediate vicinity. "I'll pretty much guarantee you that at least half of those are working on tech that will blow your mind and that won't be public for decades. And this is not the only industrial complex in the Vegas Valley with similar density of no-name contractors."

That's about the most I ever got that guy to say about anything, which is probably why I think it's credible.

In Reply to: Re: Pads near Cockeyed Ridge South East of Groom posted by Ty on June 29, 2022 at 14:56:15 PST:


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