Message posted by Joe (Member since 01/03/2006) on April 14, 2022 at 11:50:21 PST:
What I meant was a guard shack at the groom lake road border, similar to the one at the Rachel back entrance to (try to) keep this sort of thing from happening. Or cheaper for taxpayers, just move the border (or enforcement of it) to the existing guard shack. Even a sign at the border along the lines of "the A-12 was developed here" with a nice photo for Roadside America types to get a selfie, and a polite turn around now, or else; rather than the less obvious signs that require readers to understand English. Or to put my question another way - why the difference in guard shacks - one at the entrance to keep people out (Rachel back gate) and the other far enough in to warrant arrest if anyone drives up to it (except that poor porta potty guy at the 50th).
In Reply to: Re: Lincoln County SO body cam trespassing posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on April 13, 2022 at 10:59:38 PST: