Re: Mysterious Aircraft Spotted at Area 51

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Message posted by Viper (Member since 05/30/2005) on February 04, 2022 at 14:32:59 PST:

You know what makes the most sense to me is that supposed shelter, isn't really a shelter. Let me explain, in some aircraft testing that I have read about they either hooked up an aircraft to test either EMP Or electrical currents such as lighning to see how it behaves flying through storms. Boeing made a study a while ago of how lightning affects aircraft in flight. I'd have to try and find the study link and I'll post it if I can find it again.

Now for the disappearance act. I feel there are elevators that are littered around the base where some of the hangars are etc think about it. Possible underground shelter. But this is just an educated guess on my post here. I am not an expert.i mean if I were them, I'd want to hide it in a mountain and or underground.....Look at what they did at Cheyenne Mtn in Colorado, so I would not put it past them

In Reply to: Re: Mysterious Aircraft Spotted at Area 51 posted by FromAcrossTheOcean on February 03, 2022 at 12:49:01 PST:


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