Message posted by Ghoul on January 08, 2021 at 6:01:54 PST:
There is actually classified aircraft that have been flying for that long. There was also other black aircraft introduced in the 90’s... we are almost 30 years later and they are still classified. You might tell me that we don’t have evidence but... actually there is. There’s even the official designation of what people call the “F-117 companion” (even tho it was not built for that) onlne. It’s not easy to find but you can find it ;) Ghoul
There is for example another stealth aircraft that have been developed during the same timeframe as the F-117. And guess what, it is still classified up to this day.
There’s interviews with former F-117 pilots, former boomers operator, and way more.
In Reply to: Re: Article about secret aircraft being retired posted by Q-nimbus on January 08, 2021 at 4:10:56 PST: