Message posted by Q-nimbus on January 08, 2021 at 4:10:56 PST:
I don't believe that there are black aircraft/projects older than 25 years that we don't know about. That doesn't mean there aren't any black projects going on right now, but I don't think there are any operational black planes, drones or helicopters flying around that we don't know about. If there was a spyplane flying around in the early nineties that might be the only black plane older than 25 years that we don't know about. It could still be classified because of it's missions if those missions broke international treaties. But even then I think we would have known more by now. More sightings, accurate descriptions, probably a few grainy pictures, a few leaks from guys who worked on the programme. And if such a plane was flying around, surely the Russians and Chinese intelligence agencies know a lot more than us and would have leaked it by now. The fact that the above hasn't happened points towards non-existence of said planes. But I surely hope I'm wrong!
In Reply to: Re: Article about secret aircraft being retired posted by Dark side on January 06, 2021 at 13:04:26 PST: