Message posted by Chris McDowell on June 09, 2011 at 1:37:14 PST:
Page 54 of the document contains the following paragraph: "WARNING: There are no bombable targets in R-4808N. Aircrew are prohibited from employing lasers, What exactly lies in that particular area? The designation seems familiar; I know I've seen it before. - Chris M.
or dropping any ordnance including chaff and flares, or over flying with hung ordnance. Aircrew carrying
externally loaded ordnance (live, inert, or training) will ensure that the Master Arm switch is in a “Safe”
position to preclude inadvertent release. Aircrew carrying internally loaded ordnance (live, inert, or training)
will not open bomb bay doors in R-4808N."
In Reply to: "Dreamland" on official air force document? posted by Paul on June 08, 2011 at 18:37:43 PST: