Under wraps ..

Message posted by Steve Douglass on June 07, 2011 at 20:29:02 PST:

For the last couple months (here in Amarillo) I've caught fleeting glimpses of half a plane under wraps being hauled up Highway 60 or on I-40 headed east. Every time I've doubled back to chase down the trucks hauling this whats-it - I can't find them.

Tonight I got a tip from a friend (who lives on Hwy 60 about 50 miles to the SW of town) that he had just seen one of the mystery trucks pass his house.

This gave us local interceptors about a half hour to set up on I-40 and I-27 to wait and see if we could finally get a photo. We coordinated our stake-out by cell phone.

Dean Musket - great guy and Brit-caught up with one of the trucks at a truck stop on the east side of town.

I'm thinking it's a Super Hornet - what's your take?

Attached link: Under Wraps


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