Re: Nellis F-15 air refueling location

Message posted by Gregos on May 04, 2011 at 10:48:17 PST:

Pretty cool, nice job. I like finding real world locations too. Dry Lake beds out here are easy but to find but other geographical features not so much.

If you have detailed info on the aerial refueling tracks, you should make a Google Earth Plug In. I don't know if you can make a perfect half circle with the Path feature, but an easy way would be is to make an image overlay of the track. Trace the path, add the labels, then delete the image overlay. I like the image overlay feature but as with my NTTR Range Chart Plug In, it blocks out all other ground features. The Aerial Refueling tracks would go nicely with the Special Use Airspace Plug In to add to the MOAs, etc.

Just a thought ;-)

In Reply to: Nellis F-15 air refueling location posted by Paul on May 03, 2011 at 17:44:23 PST:


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