Message posted by Gregos on May 04, 2007 at 20:40:52 PST:
Yeah I was hoping you saved the picture. I saved this as a .bmp last October when I did a Southwest flight from Oakland home to Las Vegas. Since I knew we would be flying just south of the ranges and NTS, I took a window seat on the port side. I added the Area 51 on Photoshop. Two part question: When flightaware lists the route, for example your flight WWW223, what does BTY060030 and BLD260033 mean? I know BTY and BLD are VORs but what do the numbers represent? Radials? But that would only be three digits?
When, you say waypoints are you referring to SHOWW, FIDOE, etc?
In Reply to: Re: Interesting Janet flight posted by lone wolf on May 04, 2007 at 19:12:09 PST: