Message posted by Hanki on September 25, 2006 at 18:24:42 PST:
It seems that everytime their is a sonic boom anywhere in the world. Over Machrihanish,Texas,Utah,the entire coast of California and even Groom Lake the name Aurora pops up. If this was really the Aurora it would have a million miles on the airframe and been in the boneyard a long time ago. The Aurora at this time is a mythical aircraft that has never been photographed clearly enough to identify. Supposedly its been in the air twenty five years. On the internet we have seen models and many photos of contrails that look like smoke rings or so called donuts on a rope, but no aircraft in the photo.
In Reply to: Come on, Mick. posted by Chris McDowell on September 25, 2006 at 6:22:52 PST: