Message posted by Steve Douglass on January 04, 2006 at 14:29:04 PST:
Okay. I get it. Your missive wasn't clear. Now it is. I thought when you posted: "Any references on the U-2 pilot complaints? My problem with that story is Iraq didn't launch a single airplane during the latest war, so essentially the US owned the skies."that you were talking about U-2s flying over Iraq and not "secret" aircraft. Sorry about the misunderstanding. From what I hear "secret" aircraft were used during the opening days It is rumored that a stealthy covert operative deploying aircraft (based on the lines of Tacit Blue) dubbed "The Whale" was used to secretly drop SEALS and RANGERS into Iraq and Afghansitan prior to the official beggining of both wars. It is thought that "the Whale" was the black project funded by the Senior Citizen funding SAR line even though it has benn atttributed to "Aurora," The Al Jezzera news agency shot some video of what might be the Whale flying over Bagdhad about three weeks before the bombs began to fall. I wrote an article and have a video still of it somewhere, and if I can find it I'll post it to the webmaster. The "Son of Darkstar" or Blackstar UAV was used for to intercept cell and satellite telephone calls used by Saddam and his military leaders because it could loiter in an area longer than a U-2 (up to 24 hours) and enemy intelligence operatives watching U-2 takeoffs from deployment bases would warn the Iraqis whenever a Dragonlady was in the air. Blackstar was launched at night from a more secure airfield and since they were launched in trains there was always one airborne so when those (who were the intended targets) dropped their guard (thinking no U-2s were in their area) they began using their phones again and even their harder to intercept low powered walkie-talkies. Blackstar also helped supplement other SIGINT and COMINT intelligence platforms (aircraft) and spy sats.
(and in the weeks prior to it) mostly in the form of recon and SOF troop deployments where covert operatives were dropped into Iraq to muck with communications links, lase targets, gather intell and generally make life hard for the Iraqi military.
In Reply to: Re: Aurora Redux posted by lonewolf on January 04, 2006 at 13:25:01 PST: