Missions of the Groom Lake Interceptors
Actually, they're just hikes
Editor's Note: These Missions were originally put together by Groom Lake Interceptor Zero, aka Jim Bakos, who later passed them on to Interceptor Steve Hauser. When Steve closed his DesertSecrets web site in August 2007, he passed these historic documents on to Dreamland Resort. Our sincere thanks go out to Steve and to the other Interceptors. We are proud to carry on their mission.
The Nevada desert can be down-right inhospitable. If High Winds, Flash Floods and Extreme Temperatures are added to the already strenuous hikes listed below, they can become deadly. Always be prepared for changing weather conditions, bring plenty of water
(1 quart per hour of hiking) and know your limitations.
We've set up a standard rating for all our hikes, they correspond to the difficulty of climbing Tikaboo Peak -- 2 hours up, one hour down, with a 1500 foot elevation gain over rough terrain and a maximum altitude of 7900'.
This symbol
equals the energy required to climb one Tikaboo.
This symbol
equals one-half of a Tikaboo.
Most of the hikes on this page are over rough terrain, with little or no trails. You must have good orienteering (Map reading) skills, be in good physical condition and have the right equipment for the hike, like: good hiking boots, a pack, compass, maps, canteens (with water), extra clothes for changing weather conditions and heavy brush, sun screen and a wide brimmed hat. Having a GPS receiver will also be very helpful.
We will assume no liability for injury or death if you attempt any of these hikes. Travel at your own risk, and DON'T go alone!
© Copyright 1999-, Dreamland Resort. All rights reserved. Copyright Policy Privacy Policy Page last modified 09/19/2007