| Date | Freq [MHz] | Notes |
| 03/29/2024 | 375.800 and 126.600 Mission | Two F-117 from TTR (KNIGHT 31, tail #84-0828 and KNIGHT 32, unknown tail #) flying a night mission with an F-16D from Area 51 (SABRE 01) and one of the Beech shuttles (N661BA as SABRE 41). There are references to the SABRE's turning "Music on/off" and the F-117's turning "X-Ray on/off" and setting to "max range". Likely this refers to the SABRE's having sort of transmitter on board, testing a receiver or sensor on the F-117's. RAM is the mission controller, BLOND GIRL is the airspace controller. SIERRA 98 and 99 are tankers on AAR frequencies 305.450 and 240.100, not included in this recording. BLUEBIRD is the AAR controller. 03/28/24 21:52 - 03/29/24 03:54 local |
| 09/15/2021 | 375.800 Mission | Two F-117 from TTR (Knight 1, tail #84-0828 and Knight 2, tail #84-0824) flying a night mission in R-4807A. Blond Girl is the air space controller, Ramrod the mission controller, Dagger is the test controller/tech or possibly the crew chief. At the end of the mission Knight 1 has an oil pressure failure in the left engine, shuts down the left engine, dumps fuel, declares an emergency and lands single engine. See below for more clips from this mission on different frequencies. 09/14/21 23:30h - 09/15/21 03:44h local |
| 09/15/2021 | 257.950 TTR Tower | Knight 1 and 2 landing at TTR after the mission above. Knight 1 declares an emergency after shutting down the left engine due to an oil pressure failure and lands safely. 09/15/21 03:26h - 03:44h local |
| 09/15/2021 | 305.450 AAR Prime | Knight 1 and 2 refueling during the night mission above. Tanker is a KC135R (#58-0023, callsign "Zags 72") from Fairchild AFB, WA in Reveille MOA. Bluebird is the airspace controller. 09/14/21 23:49h - 09/15/21 03:05h local |
| 09/15/2021 | 228.950 Boom | Knight 1 and 2 talking to tanker Zags 72 during the night mission above. They identify with tail numbers 828 (Knight 1) and 824 (Knight 2). 09/15/21 00:26h - 02:44h local |
| 07/08/2021 | 236.500 | German Air Force KITE's Same players as previous day on this freq. |
| 07/08/2021 | 337.500 | German Air Force TIGER71,TIGER72 Same players as previous day on this freq. In addition: TIGER71, Tornado ECR from TLG51. Registration "46+57" |
| 07/07/2021 | 236.500 | German Air Force KITE's Controller RAVEN to KITE61, KITE62 and POISON35. Testing onboard systems and/or antenna configurations in the 70's ranges. KITE61 and 62 are Learjets from German contractor GFD (Gesellschaft fuer Flugzieldarstellung), which provides practice targets and avionics test platforms. Registration "D-CGFF" and "D-CGFD". POISON35 is a Eurofighter from TLG74, Neuburg Air Base, Bavaria. Registraiton 30+75. See recording on 337.500MHz below. Apparently this was part of a German Air Force exercise named Dynamic Duo 2021. |
| 07/07/2021 | 337.500 | German Air Force TIGER72 Controller THOR to TIGER72 in 70's ranges and possibly ECS. GAF Tornado ECR from TLG51, Schleswig Air Base, Schleswig-Holstein. Role: Tactical reconnaissance. Registration "46+24". See recording on 236.500MHz above. |
| 06/18/2021 | TTR Tower A-51 Tower A-51 Ctrl | Knight 1 Formation of four F-117 Stealth Fighters from TTR and an F-16D from Area 51 (callsign "Sabre 41") as photo aircraft doing a low fly-by at Area 51 for the 40th anniversary of the F-117. At 9:25am the formation made a 500ft AGL pass just west of the Groom runway 14. |
| 06/08/2021 | 371.200 | Sabre 91 (Beech Janet N654BA from TTR) with Sabre 01 (from Area 51), Sabre 31 (Area 51 chopper), Ramrod (mission controller) and Coffee Tree (airspace controller); the reference to "timber sweet" means that much of the test comms are on Have Quick or another secure channel; 1:50am-3:50am. Another Beech Janet, N662BA, made a round trip flight from Las Vegas to TTR coinciding with the beginning and end of the mission, probably bringing mission support personnel or VIPs to TTR; this would indicate that this mission was of some significance. |
| 05/19/2021 | 377.250 | Predator 61,62 from China Lake in the R-4806W air space, checking in with Blond Girl, mission controller Ramrod; also references to Chopper 62 and Crazy 81, possibly from TTR; 9:47pm (5/18)-2:37am (5/19) |
| 04/22/2021 | 384.800 | ACME 1-3, German Air Force Tornados doing simulated weapons drops at targets 2.3 miles SW of Mellan Air Field in EC West; Mission freq. referred to as "Dragon"; 10am-noon |
| 04/22/2021 | 257.000 | ACME 5, a German Air Force A400, providing refueling and control for ACME 1-3 (above) in Reveille North MOA |
| 03/31/2021 | 384.800 | Jester 61, likely an F-35 from Edwards AFB, doing a drop SW of Mellan (N37 40.1/W116 39.98). In the beginning of the clip they can be heard exiting the R-2508 air space and checking in with "Mustang" in the NTTR. The call sign "Mustang" is said to be used by Joint Terminal Attack Controllers |
| 03/24/2021 | 126.600 | Drops at Chicken DZ Several aircraft, "DERNA 15" (N378AX), "PFIZER 26" (N800PM) and "IMPACT 14" (99-6143?) practicing personnel drops at Chicken DZ, near the Mellan air field in ECW between 13:05 and 21:42 hours. |
| 03/05/2021 | 377.250 | Death 72, a B-2 from Whiteman AFB operating in ECW and/or ECS from 00:00 until 09:37. They were doing runs with different roll and pitch angles. This is a common mission in the NTTR; likely to evaluate stealth after repairs or modifications on the B-2. |
| 02/26/2021 | 134.100 | N289MT (callsign "Hurricane") flying racetrack patterns in the southern NTTR. The aircraft, often using the call sign VOODOO1, is a Raytheon radar test bed. This mission was likely part of the first "Black Flag", a new training and evaluation exercise for "Black Projects" assets introduced in 2021. |
| 02/21/2021 | 123.225 | SCAN04 (N804X) and SCAN05 (N805X) operating in formation in the NTTR. Both aircraft are Bombardier CRJ7, owned by Northrop and modified as radar and avionics test beds. |
| 02/05/2021 | 377.250 | Death 72 + Bolt 1...6; Death 72 is a B-2 from Whiteman AFB, Bolt 1...6 are F-35A from the 31 TES at Edwards AFB. The mission was likely in the 60's ranges or ECS, midnight-4:30am local. |
| 10/08/2020 | 341.450 357.500 | Mission involving three aircraft from Area 51 and the mysterious RAT55 - Recorded between 5:38am and 7:06am on 341.450MHz (Mission Prime, only used for ground-air to Rat 55) and 357.500MHz (Backup, mostly used)
Ramrod - NTTR Mission Controller
Groundhog - Area 51 tower for test aircraft
Breach - Mission controller?
Grizzly - Area 51 Airspace Controller
Petty 72,73,98 - Three aircraft out of Area 51
RAT55 - Mysterious test platform for airborne radar and IR measurements, likely operating out of Edwards AFB. Can be heard checking in and stating they are coordinating with Joshua around 2:45. No further comms from RAT55, only from the ground side. They likely use an alternate voice downlink. |
| 07/16/2020 | 375.800 | Test flight in the Tonopah ECR involving Saber 41 from Groom, Night 21 and 22 from TTR (2xF-117) and Tanker Ghost 66 (KC-135R #57-1506 from Edwards AFB, on 305.450MHz). Test lasted from 09:20pm until 03:38am. Test controller Ramrod, airspace controller Blond Girl. Before the test Greyhound 1 (N654BA from TTR) did a calibration run over the range on 126.600MHz. |
| 07/13/2020 | 375.800 | F-117 from TTR, callsign Night 20 in R-4807A talking to test controller Ramrod and air space controller Blond Girl. Refueling was provided by tanker callsign Sierra 98 (tail #62-3568) on a different frequency. Night 20 was doing a number of test runs in the R-4807A air space using different modes referred to as Tango 1-6 (Note: The term Tango was also used in the test below which we believe to be related to the new B-21 bomber). Test lasted from 9:48pm until 12:37am. |
| 07/30/2019 | 377.250 | Test aircraft Romeo in Dreamland MOA talking to controller Ramrod. Romeo is likely a Northrop aircraft from Edwards AFB. It was accompanied by Juliet 41, registration N99NG. That aircraft is a known Northrop Grumman test bed equipped with a JSTARS radome under its belly. Romeo meneuvered from 12:20am until about 2:30am testing several on-board systems, designated as Tango 1,2,5,7,8 and 9. Aircraft flew for over two hours without refueling, so it is likely a large long-range aircraft. Possibly a system integration test of the new B-21?? |
| 06/07/2019 | 375.800 | Test aircraft Dragon 1 and Dragon 2 from TTR in Dreamland MOA talking to controllers Project and Blond Girl |
| 05/20/2019 | | Area 51 UHF Approach/Departure North (Rainbow) |
| 02/14/2013 | 275.850 | Test aircraft Raptor 1 in Dreamland MOA talking to controllers Bluebird and Blond Girl |
| 02/13/2013 | 337.500 | Test aircraft Greyhound 1 from TTR with on-board systems Camaro and Thunderbird in Dreamland MOA talking to controllers Ramrod and Blond Girl |
| 02/13/2013 | 357.500 | Taxi Test, likely at Area 51 |