TTR Panorama from March 1997
The Panoramas below were taken by Steve Hauser in March 1997 from a view spot known as Brainwash Butte. Reproduction here with Steve's friendly permission. Click in the previews for a high-resolution panorama.
The wide-angle panorama shows, from left (south) to right (north):
- Old main base area with shops and administration offices and the old water tower. A new, larger, water tower has recently been added south of the buildings, as can be seen in Google Earth.
- Janet terminal with two aircraft (a Janet Boeing 737 and a Dehavilland DHC-7(*) )
- Southern taxi way
- Main ramp area
- New administration offices, workshops and new tower
- TTR VOR in the background
- Several rows of hangars used for the F-117 aircraft while they were stationed at TTR, while still classified. These hangars are now again used to store the mothballed F-117's.
- In the middle of the F-117 hangars is a service area and squadron buildings, used for the F-117 program
- The main runway, behind the F-117 hangars
- Northern Taxiway
- Explosives Storage Area in the foreground
(*) The Janet Boeing 737 are operated by EG&G as a shuttle for Area 51 and TTR employees from Las Vegas. The Dehavilland DHC-7 "N54026", owned by DOE and operated by Ross Aviation, was used to as a similar shuttle for Sandia personnel.

Wide angle

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