Message posted by Shawn on May 15, 2000 at 12:28:39 EST:
Greetings everyone. After some rescheduling, it looks like I will be able 'break free' from regular activity in Las Vegas and attend the People's Rally 2000. My presence at the event will be to represent I think it is important for the general public to not only speculate freely on the issues at hand, but to also be informed of special events, targeting some of these issues. I understand that many of you have personal ties to the topics surrounding Groom Lake. Whether these ties be closely related or passion driven, they are still important indeed. There can never be enough media attention to Area 51. As we have seen from the week of April 17th when arial photographs were disclosed nation-wide. There is a strong public interest in these issues whether many choose to admit them or not. Hopefully, my presence there will prompt some of you to convey your theories, speculations, facts and personal knowledge to the general public. Often times, many share the same belief, they simply feel they are alone. I sincerely look forward to meeting each and every one of you at the event on Tuesday morning at the rally. Finding the location shouldn't be a problem as I have been there a few times before. Regards,
Shawn Rorick