SHARC aka Shark

Message posted by wolfbane on April 05, 2003 at 19:19:05 PST:


The four color photos of SHARC = (subsonic high alpha research concept), DLR's Black Projects / Other known &
rumored black projects, that wind tunnel model (full-scale) is related to the YF-23 Black Widow II (not Lightning II as listed). The following info comes from
sources in NASA Langley, Northrop Grumman, and the USAF.

As stated, SHARC is related to the YF-23. However, SHARC was an earlier design, and the YF-23 design was
derived from it, though scaled-up and twin engined.

Northrop design, Advanced Project (AP-2), begun August 1978, was for an advanced fighter to accompany Tacit Blue on missions. Late 70s/early 80s, Northrop RCS testing involved several different models of different designs - Hawk (ATB/AP-4/& 10), Manta, Whale (AP-1 / aka Shamu / Tacit Blue), and Shark (AP-2).

The name "Shark" sound similar to the acronym SHARC, as tested by NASA Langley. However, Shark is the name Northrop personnel gave the design. Shark was a follow-on to the F-20 Tigershark.

Shark/AP-2 was proposed to the USAF in 1978. It's more formal title was "Light Co-operative Fighter" or LCF. It was in the 17,000-lb class, powered by one GE F404 engine. Supersonic, but less than Mach 2.

In 1981, when the ATF program (Senior Sky) began, Northrop was in a good position to present the USAF with an excellant proposal. As reported in AW&ST, June 1, 1981 issue, (though not in exact words), stated thusly:

"Northrop is building a fighter-size stealth aircraft that will fly soon; based a design proposed to the USAF." This was Shark, and is reported to have flown at Groom in late summer 1981. About the size of Have Blue, but heavier. Code name of program was Tacit ____

Note on the four NASA langley photos of SHARC/Shark that the photo ID and date are censored out. The program for the most part is still classified, semi-black.

Perhaps Invisible would Shark (AP-2) to their site; but that is up to them. It would make a nice addition to their already excellant site.

Dreamland X-Press


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