Message posted by Spooky_Dogg on January 13, 2001 at 15:30:07 EST:
First the primary contractor is EG&G although there are other aerospace-defense vendor organizations and THEIR research, research-related employees there. As far as rather or not there has been EBE's, green, gray, brown, or sky blue - THAT I will NOT comment upon As for me seeing the gates of LEAVENWORTH (which by the way is a MILITARY correctional facility) is MOST UNLIKELY as I have NOT breached MY oath of FIDELITY As for NSA ? I gather you mean the YES, I am very familar with them as well as the NRO *grin* I am *what* I AM, but unlike other names I will toss you a bone to say that not everything Kind regards.
YES, there ARE MILITARY members of several branches
assigned at various intervals to the facilit(ies).
other than let YOU SPECULATE.
nor my oath of NON-DISCLOSURE.
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland --
National Reconaissance Office, as well as COGS
Continunity of Governmental Services and the provisions of the National Security Act, as ammended, that suspends the United States Constitution in time of National Emergency to insure the Continuity of Government until Constitutional Government can again be re-established.
I am NOT cool about giving away the store.
that will knock your socks off is in the desert of the southwest, but, closer and nearer than you think
to your own home(s)....
In Reply to: spooky? posted by artist on January 13, 2001 at 11:04:54 EST: