Re: Enjoy

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Message posted by J (Member since 07/18/2017) on December 21, 2024 at 21:09:31 PST:

Peter, I have copies of the foia request and emails between Bill Sweetman and 509th PAO stating the aircraft Steve Douglass saw over Amarillo were not B-2’s. Pasting the bodies below. Just adding to the discussion.

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:00 PM
To: Sweetman, Bill Cc:
Subject: Aircraft sighting
"I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to you.
We received Bill Sweetman's query last week, but we never saw this one come through our organizational box; otherwise we would have responded right away. In short, we spoke with our scheduling office, and the aircraft you saw was not a B-2 on the date and time in question.”

Another email from

John M. Cooper
1st Lt, United States Air Force Chief, Public Affairs, 509th Bomb Wing Whiteman AFB, MO

“I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to you.
We received Bill Sweetman's query last week, but we never saw this one come through our organizational box; otherwise we would have responded right away. In short, we spoke with our scheduling office, and the aircraft you saw was not a B-2 on the date and time in question.
To better ensure that we receive any future queries in a timely manner, I would recommend calling 509th BW/Public Affairs at 660-687-6126/5727, and we will strive to get you an answer promptly. Thanks.
John M. Cooper
1st Lt, United States Air Force Chief, Public Affairs, 509th Bomb Wing Whiteman AFB, MO

In Reply to: Re: Enjoy posted by Peter Merlin on December 18, 2024 at 8:49:29 PST:


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