Re: New Jersey Drones, what are they?

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Message posted by jklier (Member since 07/22/2001) on December 20, 2024 at 7:15:05 PST:

I do agree with your copy cat scenario but in my opinion a much larger proportion are misidentified manned aircraft. This is an area where I can give an experienced opinion. I've been scratch building and programming UAV's for academic and commercial work since about 2010, well before you could buy them off the shelf. I've likely got UAV flight time greater than 99% of civilians out there. In my opinion the general public and even many experts are terrible at judging distance of an object without some frame of reference. That being a tree, building, car, anything you are familiar with the size on. Atmospheric haze can even be a frame of reference. The hazier an object is, the further away it is. Tree's don't fly so frame of reference is a bigger problem for something in the air. A good example of the frame of reference problem occurred when the Apollo astronauts were on the moon. Objects they wanted to investigate were often much further away than they anticipated. No familiar objects and no atmospheric haze to judge distance.

In Reply to: Re: New Jersey Drones, what are they? posted by The Bothan Spy on December 20, 2024 at 4:56:28 PST:


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