Re: Ground OPS and movements at Groom - August 28, 2024

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Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on September 12, 2024 at 14:18:39 PST:

The problem (from the Air Force's point of view) with Tikaboo is that it is far away from the existing boundary. Extending the restricted area to include Tikaboo would require a substantial land grab, including public hearings etc. As was the case with the Alamo Road area it may eventually be denied.

I am not sure if it was even legally possible to grab only the peaks around Tikaboo. But even if that was the case, how are you going to enforce that? Have a guard shack and chopper stationed there? Plenty of places to hide in that terrain.

The next best thing is to have road sensors just past the intersection with the shortcut past Logan's hardware store in Alamo (which they do!) and to have a camera at the peak with a good view of the trail (which they do as well). What they did not expect is a new generation of Area 51 researchers with fresh ideas. Michal deserves kudos for that. We all could have done that year ago, but kept going back to Tikaboo. To translate a quote that my father is remembered for (among many other accomplishments): Those who want to discover new lands need to quit paddling around in front of their own shores.

In Reply to: Re: Ground OPS and movements at Groom - August 28, 2024 posted by Tom K on September 12, 2024 at 13:51:28 PST:


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